Monday, October 27, 2008

V! Is for Vote!

In this day and age, the youth of society think they are making a political statement by not placing that ‘million-dollar-x-mark’ on a ballot paper. Truth be told, they are serving only to further the disintegration of our state by adopting an attitude of apathy towards voting. Voting is not only a right and privilege, it is a weapon by which one can really make a difference, but the youth of South Africa would rather watch Survivor: Fiji!

Guys (and gals), wake up to the reality of the power given you. Take responsibility of your future, use the opportunity awarded you to be the difference. It is through us that our leadership is chosen, if we choose not to take action then we have no right to complain that the country is going to the dogs – we have allowed it!

Don’t get me wrong, I am neither politically aware nor do I know how the politics of the country work. What I am is concerned. How long will we allow our country to be run by ‘incompetent’ rulers? For as long as we do, that is how long the non-voters should be silent.

I believe that those who choose to take the ‘back-seat’ approach to life have no right to interject with sob stories and complaints when they are the root cause of the degeneration of the country. I earnestly appeal to the youth of South Africa to take up arms (ACTION, not weapons…) and make a very important decision with regards to their own future.

Do not let apathy continue to be the downfall of our nation.

Vote and vote SMART!

Check out this article and see for yourself...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great info! Too Shy to Stop writer Lauren Bucci just wrote an article about websites that claim to help undecided votes. You can read the piece here.