Thursday, October 2, 2008

Double-take: Sorry... Can I do that again?

“I want a recount”… “The votes were rigged”… “We’re organising an AGM”. No… these were not the comments made about South Africa’s presidential elections.
Our res recently held elections for next years house committee and the results were posted earlier this week. The response to these results was utter shock and confusion from those who were nominated (but didn’t win) as well as the voters themselves.
A revote took place after the initial vote, because of some or other complication. And the afore-mentioned response was to the second lot of votes. Not everyone voted in the revote but those were the only votes counted. And plus, we voted in pencil! The people that counted the votes (i.e. the warden and next years sub-warden who is currently the head student) were far from impartial. Suspicious? I think so.
You may be thinking of this as response of jealousy. But once the anger turns to sympathy for future first years, you must realise the desperation of the situation. I’m not saying that those that were elected cannot handle the responsibility of being house com, but as a member of this house I find it difficult to understand why anyone would not vote for someone who can both handle the responsibility and has an infectious personality that everyone would fall in love with.
However, an AGM was held last night, where close to half of the house attended. This meeting was not only targeted at discussing everyone’s issues about the voting process, but also allowed house members to lay down any complaint they may have with regards to the running of the house. The initial intent of the meeting however was the voting and tallying process of the votes. It was unanimously felt that a revote is not what was wanted, but what we do want is to ensure, for future house members and us who will be living in this res for another three years, that it is run in a lawful and unbiased manner. We want to ensure that future house mates don’t end up feeling as we do at this moment. We hope that all the issues will be dealt with now before they erupt into an uncontrollable issue that everyone is too afraid to confront. Steps were decided on, at the AGM, that will be taken in an attempt to end the current situation and we hope that the decisions made will bring about a positive change to the res.
All that’s left for me to say is that my heart goes out to next year’s first years that will be forced to contend with next year’s house com (But don’t worry guys, we’ll still be here). Good luck!
P.S.: This is not referring to the house com in all residences, just mine.