Monday, October 13, 2008

too much candy rots a child’s teeth!

Help! I’ve been kidnapped by a lecturer trying to relate to me!
You, Mr Kyazze, have both over-stepped your boundary and overstayed your welcome!
“I’m about to ask you to come and sit in the front, yes, you in the purple jersey…”
Sir, had YOU been paying attention to me, instead of trying to out me in front of your fans, you would have seen that it was I who was focused on what you were saying! No sweat, it is water under the bridge now…
I love this course, in fact, I LOVE this subject… but OMG! It has become such a “YAWN!”
I don’t know if it’s from the excess CO₂ in the atmosphere or from absolute BORDOM, but the last few weeks have dragged out like a funeral procession! Don’t get it twisted, I love journalism and intend on carrying on with it, but could I please not bleed to death before I get the chance?! The opinion piece is not such that we cannot manage it, but you, sir, make for some interesting writing…

I’m not trying to attack you, but simply let you know that your methods of ‘humiliating us into submission’ are both outdated and not appreciated. I’m not whining about you making a public mockery of us when you catch us chatting or digressing, but I’m simply enquiring whether you thought it out first or if you’ve always simply had a case of “open-mouth-insert-foot”!
Mr Kyazze, Sim, sir… It is not that we don’t care about what you have to say, on the contrary, a lot of us are very interested in what knowledge you have to impart with us, but to get respect- you’ll have to earn it, and so far NOT SO GOOD...

A tip, for future reference, you don’t have to be mean or funny to be liked. The fact that we show up for every lecture counts in your favour, you don’t need to try harder.

Yours truly
Unenceba Rakale


HEY! said...

haha that was really good i like it!

Chwayitisa said...

Amen th that... hell hath no fury like a woman, but seriously you got a point a least one of us had the courage to say it!