Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Home at last!!!

I gaze at the last post added by our gorgeous drama queen Ncebi, and can't help but chuckle to myself. She's still at Rhodes, bored out of her mind and about to write an exam, while I'm at home, relaxing, drinking tap water that actually tastes good (grahamstown peeps will know what I'm talking about) and eating my ma's cooking. The nasty monster of jealousy must be eating you up inside Ncebi. But don't worry my friend, you'll be home soon.
However, this post was not added to brag about the joys of being home, but to remind everyone that Zane is still alive and kicking. Exams were rather hectic so much of my time was spent with my face in the books and no time to look up let alone turn on my laptop to add a post. But by the grace of The Almighty I made it through the exams and now I've got nothing but free time on my hands. I can't promise a daily update, but I can guarantee at least one post to remind everyone about our annual celebrations of Christmas and New Years!!!
But until then I must love and leave you. To everyone on vac have a great one. To all our overseas readers who don't go on vac until Christmas, good luck.And to Ncebi, hope your exam goes well.
As Gossip Girl would say, "You know you love me. XOXO"

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

When does it end?!

It may be pay-day in the real world, but I'm two days away from my final exam and sadly BORED TO DEATH!

You know how it feels when you've had enough and all you want is your mother's house and HER cooking?? Well, that is my current status...

Une is: wanting to go home to her mom's house and cooking!!!

K, maybe I'm being melodramatic, who can blame me? My last exam is Drama after all, may as well put it to practice...

*Deep sigh*

I really did enjoy my first year as a student, it was everything I hoped it would be (in terms of always managing to surprise my ass!). I made plenty of friends and I hope next year will be just as exciting if not more.

Happy holiday season everyone, I'm sure the Gerbil team will have some posts up for you to survey while you avoid removing your scalp in frustrated bordom... hehehe...

Thanks for being a lively bunch, catch you on the flip side!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Music made for the summer

Since the beginning of the year my music taste has changed somewhat even 'maturing' if you will. I opened up my mind during these two semesters to bands I'd never heard of, even attending a Southern Gypsy Queen concert- a band I knew nothing about and found that I actually enjoyed it! So I feel it my duty to share with the world the bands I beleive will be the soundtrack to my summer and cary me into another year with bigger better things to come!

First up is Modest Mouse. They first wowed me with 'Float On' and I think it is the best song you could ever listen to after a bad day, You'll just end up smiling! Next up is Cold War Kids and Hospital Beds, I really like that song but struggle to figure out what it's about but that doesn't matter. It's the feeling it creates. Best listened to when you are irritated with the world and feel trapped! Will be posting more good songs in the next few days.

Happy Summer Ya'll

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I can see it now.. the horizon.. it's close..

So guess what boys and girls, it is the home stretch! I just wrote my second last exam for the semester and have one more to go.. Gee whizz it's been a bit of a odd year.. Between crushes and academics it hasn't been too much of a dull one though! I made mistakes (and will probably make some more next year) but what's important is that I take what I experienced this year and grow a little.. or a lot.. which ever one appelas to me the most! It's the home stretch now so fears aside, get cracking and have faith, next year will be better and much more than you'll hope for...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Humour during cabin fever

Hey Everyone :]

Ok guys, so I'm in the middle of exams at the moment which is why there haven't been any recent posts lately.
However, I came across this video today. I know it's sort of old news now, but I still find it screamingly funny. I don't want to give away too much, but it's a LIVE video of South Africa's Chairman of the Finance Portfolio Committee. Maybe it's not that funny and I just happen to find it hysterical because I'm suffering from cabin fever in my tiny room, surrounded by mountains of work which I have to get through in the next few days. You be the judge.

Anyway, Enjoy :)
Oh, and turn up the volume. Trust me, it's worth it!
