Saturday, October 4, 2008

WARNING: Sleeping in Virus

Ola everyone!

Well, I hope you're all very proud of me. It's 12.30 on a Saturday afternoon, and after a long, late night, here I am dutifully posting on our blog. Now that's commitment right there. Second year Journalism, here I come!

Okay, so technically 12.30 in the afternoon isn’t early, it’s actually quite late if you’re a morning person like me who hates sleeping in and missing half the day. But living in little old Grahamstown kind of puts you into a time warp. You don’t stick to your old routines that you may have once kept, but rather start following the sleepy way of life which this town seems to have. And trust me, coming from a bustling city like Johannesburg, the lifestyle here takes you a bit by surprise but comes surprisingly easy to slip into.

As the year has passed on, I’ve caught the ‘sleeping-in virus’ which nearly every student here seems to catch particularly quickly. Late nights seem to become a way of life as a university student, whether it’s because of studying, writing those long essays for the next day or out with a bunch of friends. The problem here is that once you’ve caught this virus, it’s really difficult to take hold of it and get it under control. So instead of trying to fight and cure it, just sit back and let it take you for a ride. After all, it’s one of the experiences which every varsity student has to go through.



Steph** said...

yay i cant wait :) :P